Are There Any Honest Online Poker Sites

People still ask me all the time if PokerStars is rigged. Or if online poker in general is rigged.

It was the first poker room adopted by Betfair, and it is also used by many other leading sports books in Europe. IPoker’s motto is “always a full house” and this is something that matches its always-connected and always-full mentality, as there are at least 9.000 players connected to the network at any given time. Although there is no such thing as true randomness, many of the most honest and safest poker sites take advantage of random technology used by the CIA - radiation from the sun - to design their random number generation. This type of number generation is also referred to by the safest online pay poker sites as thermal noise or entropy.

And I have never written an article about it before because I think this just legitimizes what to me seems like a pretty ridiculous question.
But here is the quick answer.
PokerStars is not rigged. It just appears that way sometimes due to the incredible speed of online poker. Because online poker sites like PokerStars typically deal hands 3 times faster than a live poker game, you should expect 3 times as many bad beats. This is even more pronounced in Zoom Poker which can deal hands up to 10 times as fast as a live poker game.

Is PokerStars Legit? Is it Rigged?

But believe me I get it, some people are still not convinced that PokerStars is legit and not rigged.
And I know that the emails and the comments I get about online poker being rigged won't stop. Therefore, hopefully this article will help solve the Great Debate once and for all!
Is online poker rigged? Are we being invaded by Russian bots? Are there mysterious ninjas hired to create another rigged river card just for you right before the final table?
I gotta be honest. I can't possibly answer all of these earth shattering questions in a tiny little blog post like this.
However, a little bit of common sense should tell us that of course there is some nefarious behaviour going on when anything important (such as money) is on the line.
Humans rig the stock market, they rig elections, they lie on their resumes and they cheat on their high school exams as well. Heck a decent chunk of them even end up cheating on the person that they swore their wedding vows to!
So in short, yes of course there are certain poker sites and individuals out there who are trying to rig the system in their favor when it comes to online poker. You would have to be incredibly naive not to realize this.
But is PokerStars legit? Is there widespread cheating going on across the entire industry, and specifically at the biggest online poker site in the world, PokerStars?
Probably not. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. PokerStars is a Money Making Machine

The first and most highly obvious reason why PokerStars is probably not rigged is because they are an absolute money making machine.
As I have said many times before on this blog the house is always by far the biggest winner in poker. And PokerStars takes this to an entirely new level.
They are estimated to be bringing in 500 million dollars in pure profit each year. And therefore god only knows how much they were hauling in 5-10 years ago when poker was really booming.
And I personally have made a lot of money on PokerStars as well over the years simply by playing against guys like this!Sites

So common sense should once again beg the question: Why on earth would you possibly want to screw that up?
When you are already making absurd amounts of money and dominating the entire industry what possible incentive could you have to want to rig something?
PokerStars is one of the most successful and profitable brands the industry has ever seen. And no matter what you think of their new ownership, they continue to crush it in every possible way from a business point of view.
So there is simply no plausible motive here.
In fact they have every reason in the world NOT to rig it and just keep playing a winning hand over and over again.

2. You Can Simply Go Check it For Yourself

The second most important reason why PokerStars is probably not rigged is kind of a biggie as well. And that is that you can actually just go and check it for yourself!
PokerStars is one of the few poker sites out there who are very open about what they do. They will in fact actually send you every single hand history that you have ever played on their site.
I know this because I did it myself once. I requested close to 8 million hands that I had played on PokerStars from them. Within 24 hours I had the links to download them all.
This means that I could then go stick those 8 million hands in a tracking program like PokerTracker and run extensive analysis and tests looking for statistical anomalies.
This is one of the biggest reasons why I am not a big fan of a recent trend in online poker towards anonymous poker sites and/or those who do not provide hand histories.
'Open source' poker sites like PokerStars are much better for the industry in my opinion because they allow us to essentially police the games for ourselves.
Any legit online poker site like PokerStars is not going to hide anything from you. All the hand histories are available for you to see for yourself.

My Free Poker Cheat Sheet Teaches You How to Make $1000+ Per Month on PokerStars

Are you struggling to beat the low stakes games on PokerStars? Do you want a simple step by step guide to show you exactly how to start winning consistently right now?
That is why I recently wrote this free little 50 page no BS guide to teach you exactly how to start crushing these games right now.
As a 10+ year poker pro I give you my exact strategies to start consistently beating low stakes games on PokerStars for $1000+ per month.
Enter your details below and I will send my free poker cheat sheet to your email right now.

3. There is No Actual Evidence that PokerStars is Rigged

So given the fact that we can actually run our own tests and search for statical anomalies over massive sample sizes you would think that all the people who are so certain that PokerStars is rigged would have overwhelming evidence to support their claims.
Nope, nada, none.
Are there any honest online poker sites online

Are There Any Honest Online Poker Sites Slots

There has never been one conclusive study that I have ever seen, based on a statistically relevant sample size, which actually proves that there is any rigging going on at PokerStars.
Their standard arguments instead usually go something like this:
'OMG...My AA got cracked 3 times in a row by some stupid fish!!!...I told you JOKERSTARS is rigged, rigged rigged!!!'
The main problem with these 'arguments' is that they fail to account for even the most basic variance in poker and they are completely lacking in a statistically significant sample size.
A sample size of 3 hands is completely meaningless in poker. And so is a sample size of 300 hands, 3,000 hands or even 30,000 hands.
OnlineThis is why most advanced poker training programs these days focus exclusively on long term results based on solid decision making at the poker tables in the short run.
To put it quite simply, you need to be working with millions and millions of hands in order to get to the point where you can mathematically rule out variance.
Anyone who has actually played this many hands of poker knows exactly what I mean by this.
I have never seen a real legit study based on this many hands which conclusively proves that there are widespread statistical anomalies going on with the RNG on PokerStars.
Because if such a study like this actually did exist, believe me you would have heard about it by now. And it would be an absolute bombshell within the poker industry.

Most of these people who think PokerStars is rigged would do better to simply focus on increasing their poker winnings instead, rather than worrying so much about all their bad beats.
For example, it would be a better idea to simply use a good free poker HUD. This way you can quickly get reads on all the bad players and increase your profits rapidly.

4. Human Bias and Defence Mechanism

The next reason why some people are convinced that online poker is rigged is because most people lose at this game. And that unfortunate little reality isn't likely to change any time soon.
Once the poker sites and the winning poker players take their cut there just isn't much left over for everybody else. In fact I would estimate (conservatively) that 70% of poker players lose over the long run.
And the other thing that we know about poker players is that virtually all of them think they are pretty good, or at least above average. Poker is kind of like driving, nobody will ever admit they are bad at it.
So this naturally leads to a situation where many losing poker players will look to either repress this reality or simply shift the blame to something else for their lack of success.
In fact, Sigmund Freud (the father of modern psychology), even created a name for this very common unconscious process. He called it a defence mechanism.
When you aren't winning at poker the easy solution is just to blame it all on your bad luck or convince yourself that the whole game is rigged against you.
This is an absolutely crucial reason why poker continues to be so profitable.
Losing poker players have an easy out. They can just continually convince themselves that their lack of success is due to some outside force beyond their control.
And therefore, they never even think to address the real reason why they keep losing, which is their own lack of skill and lack of tilt control among other things.
There is no other game on earth that I have ever seen that inspires such incredible levels of self delusion. And quite frankly, it is an absolutely beautiful thing.

5. Variance and the Speed of Online Poker

The final reason why some people swear that online poker is rigged is because they don't realize how the speed of the online game changes everything.
Daniel Negreanu actually touches on this specifically in his new poker strategy course.
A lot of the people who claim that online poker is rigged come from a live poker background. Or they have played a statistically insignificant amount of hands online (less than 100k).
Therefore, they simply do not understand that the speed of online dealing (often 3 times as fast as a live game), coupled with the ability to multi-table, means that bad beats and coolers are simply bound to happen far more often than what they are used to.
This doesn't mean that anything is actually rigged. It just means that you are now experiencing the acceleration of a Ferrari instead of your old Toyota.
Yes it is going to feel weird at first. It won't even seem believable at times in fact. This is why many people do not feel that PokerStars is legit.
And if you try your hand at something like Zoom Poker (which deals hands upwards of 10 times as fast as a live poker game), it might just blow your mind completely!
You really have to understand that online poker is a completely different experience from live poker. Yes it is the same game with the same rules, but all of the similarities end there.
The speed at which the online version of the game is dealt means that you are going to get to the long run far quicker than you are used to. This also means that you will see the true depths of statistical variance much more vividly.
And when you add in the ability to multi-table into the mix as well, you better buckle up. Because it is going to be downright crazy and quite simply not believable at times.
By the way if your are curious how I am able to play 20+ tables of online poker and still keep track of all my opponents, yes I do use several poker software tools and aids.
For the complete list of all the poker software and tools that I use as a pro, click here.

Should You Use the New PokerStars All-In Cashout Feature?

I do also want to mention that PokerStars recently added an All-in Cash Out feature that people ask me about now all the time.
Basically, this feature allows you to 'cashout' your equity in the hand when all the money goes into the middle, instead of just letting the cards fall as they may (and potentially taking a bad beat).
As far as I know the Pokerstars all-in cashout feature is only available at the lowest stakes (NL2, NL5 and NL10) and only on regular tables (i.e. not Zoom).
Now do I personally use this feature? No.
I honestly think it is pretty silly. However, I do think it is a very smart 'gimmick' feature by PokerStars though.
Because now all the people who write them angry emails every day claiming it's all rigged against them can just 'cashout' their equity and avoid taking a dreaded bad beat.

Are There Any Honest Online Poker Sites Online

For me though, this isn't poker and this isn't how winning players think about the game in my experience. I don't play poker for the results of individual hands or day to day results.
I instead play poker for the long term (months and years) and focus on my results over hundreds of thousands of hands. This is how I have been able to create a career out of this game.
Therefore, since I know that my equity is going to be realized over the long term, I can stop focusing on short term results, like so many amateurs do, and just focus instead on consistently making good poker decisions.
However, for all those people who take it very personally every time they receive a bad beat in poker, this new All-in Cashout feature might be an option for you to consider when playing on PokerStars.

How I Became the Biggest Winner of All-Time on PokerStars (Micro Stakes)

The debate about online poker being rigged or not will rage on no matter what I say here.
And I know a few people will probably even accuse me of being a 'shill' for PokerStars after writing this article.
The most hilarious part about that is anyone who actually reads my poker blog regularly knows that I have been actively recommending that you DO NOT play at PokerStars for many, many years now!
And that is not because I think there is any rigging going on at PokerStars or that PokerStars is not legit.
It is simply because there are many far easier online poker sites (softer games) available these days to play at in my opinion.
But hopefully some of the points discussed in this article will help bring some sanity back to the discussion. Obviously online poker faces many challenges and the integrity of the games will always be questioned as well.
Humans like to cheat at stuff after all. The sky is blue as well!
But the idea that there is any widespread rigging going on at PokerStars in particular is pretty absurd in my opinion.
I have made a lot of money on PokerStars over the years as a 10+ year poker pro by simply using a solid fundamental tight and aggressive strategy and focusing heavily on my tilt control.
This is in fact why I originally wrote what is now the best selling poker strategy book of all-time for low stakes PokerStars games, Crushing the Microstakes.
And then I also included hours and hours of optional videos with the book of me personally playing Zoom, 6max and full ring on PokerStars.
I have made tens of thousands of dollars in these low stakes games (some of the highest in PokerStars history), and I wanted to show people exactly how I did it with a video series.
I also wanted to prove once and for all that you can absolutely crush these games when you use the right poker strategy and focus on your tilt control.
However, I can't lie.
After playing millions and millions of hands on PokerStars, I have also taken an enormous amount of bad beats over the years. So much so, that it seemed completely unbelievable at times.
And there have been many times when I felt like just giving up completely. Throwing in the towel and quitting.
But I realized that this is the time when you find out what you are really made of as a poker player. When you can't win a hand to save your life for weeks or even months on end.
This is when you separate yourself from all the other amateurs out there. This is when you get to prove that you are a professional.
And this really is the critical point.
Winning at poker over the long run is really hard. It takes an unbelievable amount of work ethic, discipline, self control and patience.
Me multi-tabling on PokerStars

And as a 10+ year poker pro I can tell you that the vast majority of people who play this game are simply not willing to put in this level of dedication and work.
After all, it is so much easier to shift the blame onto somebody or something else than to actually put in the hard work every single day both at the poker tables and away from them improving your game.
Look guys, if being a big winner in poker was easy, then everybody would be doing it. The bottom line is that you will get exactly what you put into this game.
You can keep choosing to believe that it is all rigged against you like most people do, or you can choose to finally address the real root causes for your lack of success in poker.
Having coached 100+ people myself to finally start winning big on PokerStars, I can tell you that the #1 reason most people don't win is because they are bad at poker.
I found that many people *think* they are good at poker, but in reality they do not really understand how to play a fundamentally sound tight and aggressive poker strategy.
They also typically suffer from an appalling lack of discipline and tilt control in most cases, both of which are absolutely vital components of any winning poker strategy.
To put it bluntly, it is only when you finally decide to start approaching this game like a professional that you will start creating the real consistent profits you have always dreamed about on Pokerstars.
In any case, I wish you all the best at the poker tables in 2021 no matter what your poker goals are. Thank you for reading.
Lastly, if you want to know the strategy I use to consistently make $1000+ per month on PokerStars as a 10+ year poker pro, make sure you grab a copy of my free poker cheat sheet.

Quick Jump

  • 3 All Your Favorite Casino Games Online
As a poker player, you might have overlooked a popular casino online USA site, assuming that it’s a step down from the game you love. While we all enjoy the game of poker, every now and then we need to take a break. Perhaps you’ve put in a long stretch at the tables and need a bit of a rest. Perhaps you took a bad beat and want to step away from the virtual felt. Or you might simply want some variety from Texas Hold’em. If so, you might want to consider some of the best US online casino sites as a way to let off some steam, and perhaps add to your poker bankroll along the way!

Picking the Best US Internet Casinos

When looking to play at a casino online, USA poker players have a few key questions. Which are the top online casino websites? Where can you find the best online casino for US players? Which real cash casinos in America offer the best deals to new players?

The good news is we’ve done the hard work for you and found casino online USA sites that fit the bill. The key is to find US-friendly sites that offer the deposit and cashout options you’re after. You also want to play at online casinos for USA players that you can trust (ones that fit the online casino US landscape, particularly) as well as understand the odds of the games you’re going to play at US online casino rooms.

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Six Reasons Poker Players Will Love Online Casinos

Looking to play at the best casinos in US? Then you’re probably all about land-based casinos instead of US online casino websites. Poker players traditionally think of sticking to their familiar territory, which means avoiding casino online USA website entirely. But in doing so they’re missing out on some of the most exciting and enjoyable ways to gamble online for real money. Here’s a taste of the top reasons to play at online casinos US sites:

  • The top US online casino websites publish their payout rates – By being able to compare the payouts of one casino online USA site versus another, you’ll be able to see which is going to give you more bang for your online buck.
  • There are some great USA online casino welcome offers out there to enjoy – Shopping around between the top US online casino websites will give you the opportunity to earn a healthy boost to the dollars and cents you can play with.
  • It’s one of the most fun ways for poker players in the USA to gamble online
  • Many poker rooms have related online casino websites, meaning some will feel familiar – USA online gambling isn’t restricted to cards and chips. Some of the online poker sites you play at also have sister casino online USA sites. It will feel like a second home run by a site you already trust.
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So no matter which US online casino you end up playing at, you’ll be getting a great selection of online casino games, with every casino online USA site we’ve handpicked publishing their payout rates.

All Your Favorite Casino Games Online

When you choose to play at a casino online USA site that we recommend, you’ll gain access to a comprehensive suite of the best casino online games. All our picks offer the same games that are offered at the big Vegas casinos.


Everyone’s favorite 21 card game is available to play 24/7 at the best online casino. USA players can double down, split, hit, or stand with just a few clicks. It’s just like Vegas, only a lot faster. There’s also one more big difference. In Vegas, you’d be hard-pressed to find a table with minimums less than $25 per hand. That’s not the case at USA online casino sites. At many gambling rooms, $5 minimums are the norm. And in some cases you can even find $1 minimums.


Used to the slowness of Roulette at a land-based casino? Online USA roulette games are a different breed. For the most part, it’s just you at the table. You can play as quickly or as slowly as you like because you get to decide when to spin the roulette wheel. And it gets better. While most land-based casinos only offer the American version of roulette, you’ll find European and French flavors at the top USA online casinos.


New to craps? The best casino online sites not only offer the popular casino game, but also arm you with the knowledge you need to play it. Because you can go at your own pace, US online casino sites are great for the novice player who needs to take the time to understand what happens before and after each roll of the dice.


Love slot machines? Then you’ll love playing at an online casino. For USA players of slots, there’s nothing better. Land-based casinos can only offer a limited selection of slot machines based on the amount of floor space they have. For the most part, you’ll see banks of the same slot machines, so there really isn’t that much variety. But at the top USA online casinos, there’s no floor space to worry about. So many gambling sites are able to offer in upwards of 400 different varieties of slots. You’ll find 3-reel classic, multi-payline slots, progressive jackpots, and lots more.

Love Poker? Play a New Kind of 5 Card Stud

If you love poker but you’re tired of getting bluffed out of a hand, casino online USA sites might be your best bet. The top American gambling rooms offer video poker. Before you muck your hand and fold, hear us out. Video poker isn’t the same old online poker you’re used to. Instead, it’s a variation of 5 Card Stud. The difference between video poker and online poker is that you’re not playing against other players. And believe it or not, you’re barely even playing against the house. Instead, you’re just trying to rank on the card ranking system. If you’re dealt a hand (usually a pair of Jacks or anything better) you’ll get paid out. The better your hand, the more money you’ll make.

Video poker comes in many different variations at US online casino sites. You’ll find different wild cards and different payouts in each game. Even the hand ranking structure varies from game to game. There are a lot of good games to discover, so have fun and explore.

Everything is Random

When you play online poker, you count on a Random Number Generator to keep the game honest. The same goes when you play at top online casinos. USA sites follow strict regulations to keep things fair. That includes a Random Number Generator that randomly determines every shuffle, every dice roll, every spin of the wheel, and every virtual pull of the slot machine arm.

Random Number Generators are even used in land-based casinos.

All the latest slot machines use a Random Number Generator to determine where the reels are going to stop. Online casinos have just taken it to the next level by applying the technology to table games. And every Random Number Generator is audited to make sure it’s truly random.

Choosing the Right Online Casino

With the number of legit USA online casino options out there, and the fact that poker players like to strategize about the games they play, you’ll find our reviews of online casinos for USA players to be incredibly useful. The best US online casino websites listed on our pages have been vetted as the most trustworthy sites, and are some of the best at explaining their games and the odds on offer in each.

You’ll also find that the USA online casino companies mentioned here offer a wide selection of games, meaning you can have a different experience every time you play at these real cash casinos in the US. You’ll also find all of these sites offer fabulous levels of customer care. They appreciate your business and will do their utmost to keep you happy while you play. If you have any questions, you can feel comfortable enough to speak to their customer care teams. Remember, they’re there to help, after all.

Your search for the best casino online in America is over.

So there you have it. While the poker felt will always be close to our hearts, there’s nothing wrong with widening our gambling horizons from time to time and moving your chips to the tables at real cash casinos US websites. Just being able to take a break from the tables can keep you fresh and may even help your poker game in the long run. So go ahead and try your luck at a US Internet casino. You might even find you enjoy it just as much as poker (or maybe even more).


Got questions about playing at a USA online casino? Chances are, we’ve got the answers you need to feel confident about playing online, so read on.

How do I create a USA casino online account?Just look for a casino link on this site. We’ll take you the page where you can create a free account and get you set up with a bonus so you’ll have more to play with.

What games can I play?The last time you played poker in a land-based casino, you probably walked through the casino floor and noticed a lot of different casino games. You’ll find all of them online at the best US casinos online. That includes table games like blackjack and baccarat, plus slots and video poker.

If there’s no rake, how does the house make money?The same way a live casino makes money. Every game you play comes with a house edge. The house always has an advantage in almost every game, but that doesn’t mean you won’t win. In fact, lots of people make a killing playing at the best casinos in the US.

Can I play for free?Yes. That’s one of the biggest advantages you have when you choose to play at the top USA online casinos. If you’re used to playing at a land-based casino like the big ones in Vegas or pretty much anywhere else, you know that there’s no such thing as free games. If you step up to play blackjack and don’t open your wallet, the dealer won’t hand you cards. But at casino online USA sites, you can play for free, no questions asked.

Can I play poker at the top US internet casinos?Sort of. While the virtual casino floor doesn’t house any peer-to-peer online poker games, you can play video poker machines at most gambling sites. If you’ve never played that type of online poker, give it a try. You get paid out just by making the board, so you don’t have to worry about raises, re-raises, and bluffs.

Can I be sure everything is random?Yes. The best US casinos online use what’s called a Random Number Generator (or RNG for short). Every spin, every deal, and every dice roll is completely random, so the house never knows the outcome in advance.

Can I play in US dollars?Absolutely. Every American online casino accepts US dollars for deposits. That means, for the most part, you won’t have to worry about conversion fees.

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