Flipper High Roller Casino Prix
Liste non exhaustive des plans de flippers que nous avons en stock et que nous vendons. Soit 25€ soit 26€ selon que le flipper soit mécanique ou électronique.
Flipper High Roller Casino Prix Online
Modalités de paiement : par chèque, paypal. Pour toute information, vous pouvez soit nous contacter par email (de préférence) ou par téléphone au 07 81 37 39 00 (de 9 à 12h et de 14 à 18h, du lundi au vendredi) ; laissez un message si nous ne sommes pas là, le répondeur ne mordra pas.
Port compris pour la France Métropolitaine. Au-delà de 40€, port suivi, 5,60€ en plus). For international delivery, please email or phone us at +33 7 81 37 39 00 (9am to 12pm & 2pm to 6pm French Time).
Pinball Spare Parts. Stern Sega New Style Flipper Rebuild Kit: Left and Right Flippers 500.
300 | Gottlieb |
250cc | Inder |
4 million B.C. | Bally |
560 trouble shooting procedures | Bally |
6 Million Dollar man | Bally |
Aces and Kings | Williams |
Acrobat 5,05 | Reader |
Addams Family | Bally |
Addams Family Gold | Bally |
Af-Tor | Wico |
Air Aces | Bally |
Airborne | Capcom |
Airborne Avenger | Atari |
Airport | Gottlieb |
Algar | Williams |
Alien Poker | Williams |
Alien Star | Gottlieb |
Alive | Brunswich |
All boards schematics | Bally |
All schematics | Data East |
Alladin’s Castle | Bally |
Amazon hunt | Gottlieb |
America 1492 | Juegos |
Amigo | Bally |
Andromeda | Gameplan |
Antar | Playmatic |
Apache | Taito |
Apollo 13 | Sega |
Aqualand | Juegas populares |
Astronoid Annie | Gottlieb |
Atarians | Atari |
Atlantis | Bally |
Attack from Mars | Bally |
Attilla | Gameplan |
Aztec | Williams |
Baby Pacman | Bally |
Back to the Future | Data East |
Bad Cats | Williams |
Bad Girls | Gottlieb |
Banzai Run | Williams |
Barracora | Williams |
Batman | Data East |
Batman Forever | Sega |
Baywatch | Sega |
Beat the Clock | Bally |
Bench Test Procedures | Gottlieb |
Big Deal | Bally |
Big Game | Stern |
Big Guns | Williams |
Big House | Gottlieb |
Big Hurt | Gottlieb |
Big Indian | Gottlieb |
Big Shot | Gottlieb |
Big Star | Williams |
Big Valley | Bally |
Black Belt | Zaccaria |
Black Hole | Gottlieb |
Black Jack | Bally |
Black Knight | Bally |
Black Knight | Williams |
Black Knight 2000 | Williams |
Black Pyramid | Bally |
Black Rose | Bally |
Black Sheep Squadron | Astro |
Black Velvet | Gameplan |
Blackout | Williams |
BMX | Bally |
Bone Busters | Gottlieb |
Boomerang | Bally |
Bow and Arrow | Bally |
Bowl O | Bally |
Bram Stroker’s Dracula | Williams |
Bride of Pinbot | Williams |
Bronco | Gottlieb |
Brown Test Fixture Boxes | Bally |
Buck Rogers | Gottlieb |
Bugs Bunny | Bally |
Bull’s eye | Bally |
Bull’s eye | Williams |
Bushido | Inder |
Cabaret | Williams |
Cactus Canyon | Bally |
Camel Lights | Gameplan |
Camelot | Bally |
Canasta | Inder |
Cannes | Segasa |
Cannes Test Manual | Segasa |
Capersville | Bally |
Capt. Fantastic | Bally |
Captain Hook | Gameplan |
Car-Hop | Gottlieb |
Casanova | Williams |
Casino | Chicago Coin |
Catacomb | Stern |
Centaur | Bally |
Champ | Bally |
Champion Pub | Bally |
Chance | Playmatic |
Charlies Angels | Gottlieb |
Check Point | Data East |
Cheeta | Stern |
Circus | Gottlieb |
Circus | Zaccaria |
Circus voltaire | Bally |
Class of 1812 | Gottlieb |
Cleopatra | Gottlieb |
Close Encounters | Gottlieb |
Clown | Inder |
Clown | Zaccaria |
Cobra | Nuova Bell |
Combat | Zaccaria |
Comet | Williams |
Coney Island | Gameplan |
Congo | Williams |
Contact | Williams |
Corsario | Inder |
Corvette | Bally |
Cosmic Gunfight | Williams |
Cosmic Princess | Stern |
Count down | Gottlieb |
Counterforce | Gottlieb |
Creature of the Black Lagoon | Bally |
Criterium | Recel |
Cyclone | Williams |
Cyclopes | Gameplan |
Data East | Data East |
Deadly Weapon | Gottlieb |
Dealer’s choice | Williams |
Defender | Williams |
Delta Queen | Bally |
Demolition Man | Williams |
Devil Riders | Zaccaria |
Devils Dare | Gottlieb |
Diamont Lady | Gottlieb |
Diner | Williams |
Dipsy Doodle | Williams |
Dirty Harry | Williams |
Disco Fever | Williams |
Dolly Parton | Bally |
Dr Dude | Williams |
Doctor Who | Bally |
Dracula | Stern |
Dracula | Williams |
Dragon | Gottlieb |
Drop a Card | Gottlieb |
Dungeons and Dragons | Bally |
Earth Shaker | Williams |
Earth Wind and Fire | Zaccaria |
Eclipse | Gottlieb |
Eight Ball | Bally |
Eight Ball Champ | Bally |
Eight Ball Deluxe | Bally |
Eight Ball Schematics | Bally |
Eldorado | Gottlieb |
Elektra | Bally |
Elvira & the party monsters | Bally |
Embryon | Bally |
Euro continental star | Wimi |
Evil Knievel | Bally |
Excalibur | Gottlieb |
F1 Grand Prix | Bell Games |
F14 Tomcat | Williams |
Family Guy | Stern |
FAN-TAS-TIC | Williams |
Farfalla | Zaccaria |
Far-Out | Gottlieb |
Fathom | Bally |
Fire | Williams |
Fire action de luxe | Taito |
Fire Cracker | Bally |
Fire Mountain | Zaccaria |
Fire Mountain | Zaccaria |
Fireball | Bally |
Fireball 2 | Bally |
Fireball Classic | Bally |
Firepower | Williams |
Firepower 2 | Williams |
Fish Tales | Williams |
FJ | Hankin |
Flash | Williams |
Flash Gordon | Bally |
Flight 200 | Stern |
Flip Flop | Bally |
Flipper Football | Capcom |
Flying Carpet | Gottlieb |
Football | Taito |
Force 2 | Gottlieb |
Four Million BC | Bally |
Foxy Lady | Gameplan |
Frankenstein | Data East |
Frankenstein | Sega |
Freddy : A Nightmare on Elm Street | Gottlieb |
Freefall | Stern |
Frontier | Bally |
Funfest | Williams |
Funhouse | Williams |
Futur Spa | Bally |
Futur World | Zaccaria |
Future Queen | Bell games |
Galaxy | Stern |
Gamatron | Pinstar |
Game Show | Bally |
Gemini 2000 | Taito |
General Schemamatics | Allied Leisure |
General All Solid State Pinballs Book | Williams |
Genie | Gottlieb |
Gigi | Gottlieb |
Gilligans Island | Bally |
Gladiators | Gottlieb |
Goldball | Bally |
Golden Cue | Stern |
Goldeneye | Sega |
Goldwings | Gottlieb |
Gorgar | Williams |
Grand lizard | Williams |
Grand Prix | Williams |
Grand Slam | Bally |
Granny & Gators | Bally |
Gun men | Staal |
Guns & Roses | Data East |
Haley Comet | Juegos |
Hard Body | Bally |
Harlem Globetrotters | Bally |
Harley Davidson | Bally |
Haunted House | Gottlieb |
Heavy Metal Meltdown | Bally |
Hercules | Atari |
HI LO Ace | Bally |
High Hand | Gottlieb |
High Roller casino | Stern |
High Speed | Williams |
Hollywood Heat | Gottlieb |
Hook | Data East |
Hot Ball | Taito |
Hot Doggin | Bally |
Hot Fire Birds | NSM |
Hot Hand | Stern |
Hot Shot | Gottlieb |
Hot Shots | Gottlieb |
Hot Tip | Williams |
Hot Shot | Bally |
Hotweels | Zaccaria |
House of Diamonds | Zaccaria |
Hovat | Hankin |
Hulk | Gottlieb |
Hurricane | Williams |
Hyperball | Williams |
Ice Fever | Gottlieb |
Independence Day | Sega |
Indiana Jones | Williams |
Indianapolis 500 | Bally |
Introduction to microprossessors | Playmatic |
Iron Maiden | Stern |
Jack in the Box | Gottlieb |
Jackbot | Williams |
James Bond | Gottlieb |
Jhonny Memnonic | Williams |
Joker Poker | Gottlieb |
Jokerz | Williams |
Jolly Park | Spinball |
Jolly Roger | Williams |
Joust | Williams |
Jubilee | Williams |
Judge Dredd | Bally |
Jungle | Gottlieb |
jungle Drums | Williams |
Jungle Lord | Williams |
Jungle Queen | Gottlieb |
Junk Yard | Williams |
Jurassic Park | Data East |
Kick-Off | Bally |
King Rock | Gottlieb |
Kings of Steel | Bally |
Kiss | Bally |
Krull | Gottlieb |
KZ26 | Playmatic |
Lady Luck | Bally |
Lap by Lap | Inder |
Flipper Football | Capcom |
Laser Cue | Williams |
Laser War | Data East |
Last Action Hero | Data East |
Lazer Ball | Williams |
Lazer War | Data East |
Lectronamo | Stern |
Lethal Weapon 3 | Data East |
Lightning | Stern |
Lights Camera Action | Gottlieb |
Little Chief | Williams |
Little Joe | Bally |
Little Pro Golf Game | |
Locomotion | Zaccaria |
Lords of The Ring | Stern |
Lost in Space | Sega |
Lost World | Bally |
Lucky Seven | Williams |
Lucky Seven Schematics | Williams |
Mach 2 | Spinball |
Magic | Stern |
Magic Castle | Zaccaria |
Magnotron | Gottlieb |
Maintenace Manual | Williams |
Mario Andretti | Gottlieb |
Mata Hari | Bally |
Maverick | Sega |
Medieval Madness | Williams |
Medusa | Bally |
Meg Aaton | Playmatic |
Mephisto | Stargames |
Metal Man | Inder |
Meteor | Stern |
Mexico 86 | Zaccaria |
Middle Earth | Atari |
Millionaire | Williams |
Miss Amertica | Sirmo |
Miss Bowling Turbo | Wimi |
Miss O | Williams |
Monaco | Segassa |
Monday Night Football | Data East |
Monopoly | Stern |
Monster Bash | Williams |
Monte Carlo | Bally |
Monte Carlo | Gottlieb |
Moon Flight | Zaccaria |
Moon Light | Inder |
Motor Show | Mr. Game |
Mousin’ around | Bally |
Mr & Mrs Pac-Man | Bally |
Mundial 90 | Inder |
Mystery Castle | Alvin g, |
Mystic | Bally |
Nautilus | Playmatic |
NBA Fastbreak | Bally |
Night Rider | Bally |
Nine Ball | Stern |
Nip-It | Bally |
Nitro Groundshaker | Bally |
No fear | Williams |
No Good Gofers | Williams |
Notes and ROM help | Gameplan |
Nugent | Stern |
Odin | Peyper |
Old Chicago | Bally |
Olympus | Juegas Populares |
Orbit | Gottlieb |
Orbitor | Stern |
OXO | Williams |
Panthera | Gottlieb |
Paragon | Bally |
Party Animal | Bally |
Party Zone | Bally |
Pat Hand | Williams |
Pharaoh | Williams |
Phoenix | Williams |
Pinball | Stern |
Pinball 200 | Pinball 200 |
Pinball Champ | Zaccaria |
Pinball Magic | Capcom |
Pinball Troubleshooting guide | Atari |
Pinbot | Williams |
Pink Panther | Gottlieb |
Pioneer | Gottlieb |
Pirates of the Carrabeans | Stern |
Pistol Poker | Alvin G. |
Play Boy 35th | Data East |
Playboy | Bally |
Pole Position | Sonic |
Police Force | Williams |
Pool Champion | Zaccaria |
Pool Sharks | Bally |
Popeye | Bally |
Power Play | Bally |
Qbert Quest | Gottlieb |
Queue Ball | Gottlieb |
Queen’s Castle | Zaccaria |
Quick Silver | Stern |
Rack ’em Up | Gottlieb |
Radical | Bally |
Rancho | Williams |
Rapid Fire | Bally |
Raven | Gottlieb |
Repair Procedures | Bally |
Replacement Board Gottlieb | Ni-Wumpf |
Rescue 911 | Gottlieb |
Revenge from Mars | Bally |
Rio | Playmatic |
Riverboat Gambler | Williams |
Road Kings | Williams |
Road Show | Williams |
Robocop | Data East |
Robot | Zaccaria |
Rock | Gottlieb |
Rocky | Gottlieb |
Rocky and Bullwinkle | Data East |
Rogo | Bally |
Roller Coaster | Gottlieb |
Roller Disco | Gottlieb |
Roller Games | Williams |
Rolling Stones | Bally |
Round Up | Bally |
Royal Flush | Gottlieb |
Royal Rumble | Data East |
Safe Cracker | Bally |
Safe Cracker | Williams |
Scared Stiff | Bally |
Scateball | Bally |
Schematic type U3CPU | Williams |
Scorpion | Williams |
Seawitch | Stern |
Secret Service | Data East |
Sexy Girl | Bally |
Shangri-La | Williams |
Shaq Attack | Gottlieb |
Sharpshooter 130 | Gameplan |
Sharpshooter 730 | Gameplan |
Shooting the Rapids | Zaccaria |
Silver Slugger | Gottlieb |
Silverball Mania | Bally |
Sinbad EM | Gottlieb |
Sinbad Solid State | Gottlieb |
Sir Lancelot | Peyper |
Skateball | Bally |
Skill Flight | Nuova Bell |
Skipper | Gottlieb |
Sky Rocket | Bally |
Slalom | Stargames |
Smart Set | Williams |
Soccer Kings | Zaccaria |
Solar Fire | Williams |
Solar Ride | Gottlieb |
Solar Wars | Sonic |
Solid State Pinball Manual | Williams |
Sorcerer | Williams |
South Park | Sega |
Space Invaders | Bally |
Space Mission | Williams |
Space Riders | Atari |
Space Shuttle | Williams |
Space Station | Williams |
Space Time | Bally |
Spanish Eyes | Williams |
Speak Easy | Bally |
Special force | Bally |
Spectrum | Bally |
Spiderman | Gottlieb |
Spin A Card | Gottlieb |
Spirit | Gottlieb |
Spirit of 76 | Gottlieb |
Spirit of 76 | Micro |
Split Second | Stern |
Spring Break | Gottlieb |
Spy Hunter | Bally |
Star Gazer | Stern |
Star God | Zaccaria |
Star Pool | Williams |
Star Race | Gottlieb |
Star Trek | Bally |
Star Trek | Data East |
Star Trek | Sega |
Star Trek The Next Generation | Williams |
Star Wars | Sonic |
Star Wars | Data East |
Star Wars Episode 1 | Williams |
Star Wars triology | Sega |
Stargate | Gottlieb |
Starlight | Williams |
Stars | Stern |
Starship Troopers | Sega |
Starshooter | Alied Leis |
Startrip | Gameplan |
Stellar Wars | Williams |
Stingray | Stern |
Strange Science | Bally |
Stratoflight | Williams |
Street Fighter 2 | Gottlieb |
Strike | Zaccaria |
Striker | Gottlieb |
Strikes & Spares | Bally |
Super Bowl | Nuova Bell |
Super Mario Bros | Gottlieb |
Super Sonic | Bally |
Superman | Atari |
Supernova | Gameplan |
Superstar | Williams |
Surf Champ | Gottlieb |
Surfin’ Safari | Gottlieb |
Swords of Fury | Williams |
system 11a | General |
system 11b | General |
System 4 | MAC |
System 4 | Mac |
System 80 service manual | Gottlieb |
system 9 | General |
system 7 fix guide | General |
System 1 | Gottlieb |
System 3 | Recel |
system 6 | General |
System 1 schematics | Gottlieb |
Take Five | Allied Leis |
Tales of the Arabian Nights | Williams |
Tales of the Crypt | Data East |
Target Alpha | Gottlieb |
Taxi | Williams |
Teed Off | Gottlieb |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Data East |
Ten Stars | Zaccaria |
Terminator 2 | Williams |
Test Manual | |
The Flintstones | Williams |
The Games | Gottlieb |
The Getaway | Williams |
The Getaway (highspeed 2) | Williams |
The Machine | Williams |
The Shadow | Bally |
The Simpsons | Data East |
The Wiggler | Bally |
Theatre of Magic | Bally |
Theory of Operations | Bally |
Time Fantasy | Williams |
Time line | Gottlieb |
Time Machine | Data East |
Time Machine | Zaccaria |
Time Warp | Williams |
Time Zone | Bally |
Tommy | Data East |
Top Speed | Recel |
Torch | Gottlieb |
Totem | Gottlieb |
Trailer | Playmatic |
Transporter | Bally |
Tri Zone | Williams |
Trident | Stern |
Trucstop | Bally |
Turtles | Data East |
Twilight Zone | Bally |
TX Sector | Gottlieb |
U-Boat | Bell games |
Underwater | Recel |
Varkon | Williams |
Vector | Bally |
Vegas | Gameplan |
Victory | Gottlieb |
Viking | Bally |
Viper | Stern |
Volcano | Gottlieb |
Voltan | Bally |
Warlok | Williams |
Waterworld | Gottlieb |
Whitewater | Williams |
Who Dunnit | Bally |
Wild Life | Gottlieb |
Williams | WPC-S schematics |
Winter Sports | Zaccaria |
Wipe Out | Gottlieb |
Wirlwind | Williams |
Wizard | Bally |
Wood’s Queen | Zaccaria |
Worl Cup | Williams |
Worl Cup Soccer | Bally |
World Tour | Alvin G. |
WPC | Bally |
WPC 95 schematic Manual | General |
WPC 95 schematic Manual | Williams |
WPC schematic Manual | General |
WPC schematic Manual | Williams |
X Force | Technoplay |
Xenon | Bally |
X-files | Sega |
X’s and O’s | Bally |
Yukon | Williams |
Zankor | Zaccaria |
Zarza | Taito |
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